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AudioKit Saga Synth Full Demo | Walkthrough in just 20 Mins (See Pinned Comment!)
AudioKit Pro Saga Synth - Getting Started and Demo
Ambient iPad Jam using AudioKit Saga Synth, PaulXStretch, sqsl Temp, Alteza (See Pinned Comment!)
SAGA Synth - Awesome 16-Bit Retro Synth by AudioKit - OUT NOW - Demo for the iPad
SNESynth by AudioKit Pro (Yes…Nintendo!) Spoken Walkthrough, Demo, Review (See Pinned YT Comment!)
Audiokit Pro Saga Synth on iOS Deep Dive: Sound Demo, Specs and Our Thoughts on the Synth
iPhone App SAGA Synth, just use finger!
Why I (also) HIGHLY recommend Audiokit's SAGA Synth + GIVEAWAY
The Sega Continues - a look at Saga synth from AudioKit Pro
I HIGHLY Recommend Audiokit Saga Synth
Saga Synth for iOS - Sweet Retro Chiptune Synth!
Beatmaking & sound demo of the Saga Synth app for iPad/iPhone from Audiokit using Beatmaker 3